At North Cave C.E. Primary School, science is an integral part of our curriculum and provides the opportunity for all of our children to learn more about and explore the world around them. Our curriculum fosters curiosity about the universe and helps promote respect for living things. The children are provided with opportunities to learn a range of skills and knowledge through questioning, investigations and the use of a range of media. The curriculum is designed to ensure that all National Curriculum programmes of study are covered but that also additional opportunities are taken to develop the children’s knowledge and skills using our locality.
EYFS- Understanding the World
Understanding the World within the EYFS is a specific area of learning. Our children are encouraged to learn more about the world around them through both child initiated and teacher-led activities. The children are encouraged to ask questions and suggest reasons for their thoughts. This helps their language development. Opportunities are taken to investigate the immediate locality through the use of ‘Welly Wednesday’ which allows the children to explore our grounds.
Science in Key Stage One
Within Year 1 and Year 2, the children work on a two year cycle for science which allows provides full curriculum coverage. Seasonal changes are explored each term whilst other National Curriculum topics are paced out across the cycle. Some topics may be taught out of the National Curriculum sequence however staff ensure that the children are taught the age-appropriate skills to work scientifically.
Science in Key Stage Two
Within Key Stage 2, the classes operate a four year cycle which allows for three year groups within a class should class sizes necessitate this. Where possible the two classes teach topics at the same time (for example light or electricity) however the age-appropriate knowledge is taught. Occasionally, topics may be taught out of sequence in order to ensure full curriculum coverage. Throughout this, staff ensure that age appropriate skills are taught to work scientifically.
STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
Throughout the school, opportunities are taken to further develop scientific skills through standalone STEM activities.
Our successful approach to the teaching of science ensures that the children are able to develop their skills in a fun, engaging and interactive way. Through our curriculum, the children have a full knowledge of all scientific areas in the Primary National Curriculum and this knowledge is enhanced through the use of visits, visitors and our grounds. The children recognise that science has changed our lives and that it is vital to the world’s future prosperity. They learn the possibilities for careers in science as a result of our community links and also through the development of skills in STEM activities.
Department of Education Science Programme
We follow the recommended science programme of study from the Department of Education.
Click here for a link to the full programme.
Reading across the curriculum – Science
Click on the link below for a selection of books linked to Biology, Chemistry, Physics and scientists.
Science Websites
Click on the website links below for actitivies, information and more linked to science.
NESTA is the National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts.
Fun site on space for children with interactive games and activities.
NASA: Mars Exploration: Just for Kids
Plan an expedition to the planet Mars. Explore gravity – how much would you weigh on another planet? Make spacecraft models, look through NASA’s solar telescope and find out what robots do to further scientific discovery.
Excellent guide to the Solar System. Photographs and facts about the planets in the Solar System.
Electricity and magnetism information -the electric motors section is of particular interest.
A very interesting look at the processes of life as explored in this fascinating project.
A fun way for children to explore the subject of recycling, the environment in which we live and our planet.
Find out about the animal welfare and conservation charity, Great for pupils studying endangered species.
There’s information and evidence about each dinosaur plus help with pronouncing their names.
Children will find all they want to know about spiders
KidsHealth is the number 1 most-visited website for children’s health and development.
A simple self-checking quiz for science students with a knowledge of basic plant structure.
Sort out your seed from your stem.