I can do all things through him who strengthens me,
Philippians 4:13
At North Cave C.E. Primary School, we believe that all children should feel confident in mathematics. Please read the following documents for further information about Mathematics at our school.
Reading across the curriculum- Mathematics
Click on the link below for reading across the curriculum linked to Mathematics.

Maths Hub
Our Headteacher and maths lead are currently working on the Sustaining Mastery Program as part of the Maths hubs Network. We continue to sustain our teaching for mastery approach to mathematics in collaboration with the National Department for Education funded projects led by the Yorkshire Ridings Maths Hub. We have previously been part of a Teacher Research Group to develop maths and maths teaching across our school.
Maths Mastery
At North Cave Church of England Primary School our mathematics curriculum follows the Programme of Study and Aims of the National Curriculum. We intend for pupils to develop a love of maths and a sense of enjoyment about the subject through our maths mastery approach. We teach for mastery and believe that fluency, reasoning and problem solving are at the core of all maths lessons, including maths across the curriculum. Our maths teaching for mastery is supported by an ‘every child can achieve in maths’ ethos. Indeed, all our pupils are encouraged by the belief that by working hard at maths they can succeed and this is embedded in our strong belief for growth mindset, supporting children to become confident and competent in mathematics to develop lifelong skills which are built on conceptual understanding.
Our Maths Curriculum

Through White Rose Maths pacing we focus on the following units:
- Place value
- Addition and subtraction
- Multiplication and division
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Ratio and proportions
- Algebra
- Measures
- Time
- Perimeter, area and volume
- Geometry -2D and 3D
- Angles and Lines
- Position and direction
- Statistics
In the EYFS we follow the White Rose Maths guidance which is underpinned by Educational Programme for Mathematics (DFE March 2021) to embed mathematical thinking and talk to develop the understanding of number, shape, measure and spatial thinking.
Our teaching of number is based upon the counting principles:
- The one-one principle
- The stable-order principle
- The cardinal principle
- The abstraction principle
- The order-irrelevance Principle
The diagram explains the principles of our maths mastery approach:

Concrete, pictorial, abstract
At North Cave C.E. Primary School we use concrete materials such as cubes, counters and base 10 across both key stages to help to explain and prove mathematical concepts, alongside pictorial representations such as part-part whole models and tens frames leading on to the abstract.
Our curriculum is challenging and exciting as we deliver active lessons by involving teaching that promotes curiosity, creativity, resilience and growth mindset. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering.
We intend to help all our children understand the role of mathematics in the world around them and encourage them to become lifelong learners by being confident to problem solve, have the ability to reason mathematically and be confident in the use of arithmetic.
At North Cave C.E. Primary School we use the White Rose scheme with supplementary resources from e.g. Classroom Secrets, Education City, NCETM, NRICH and Topical Resources. The lessons are broken down into small, connected steps that gradually unfold the concept, providing access for all children and leading to a generalisation of the concept and the ability to apply the concept to a range of contexts. Our small steps enable us to develop mastery and address all aspects in a logical progression. This will ensure deep and sustainable learning for all pupils.
Our small steps enable us to develop mastery and address all aspects in a logical progression. This will ensure deep and sustainable learning for all pupils whilst focussing on the curriculum aims of fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
If a child has a misconception further support is given to address the misconception.
The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all children:
Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time. This helps our children develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. They reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language. Our children can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non- routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
Differentiation in mastery is by way of depth of learning. Our children begin each lesson together, as a whole class with a strong focus on teaching for understanding; we believe in teaching ‘why’ not just ‘how’. Children will be given support and scaffolding from the teacher and/or teaching assistants
Our vision for Mathematics

· To promote a positive attitude towards mathematics in all pupils
· To ensure all pupils are engaged in and are enjoying exploring Mathematics
· To enable all pupils to find links between mathematics and other areas of the curriculum, including Science
· To ensure all pupils progress in mathematics and are challenged appropriately through an in depth understanding
· To use a wide range of concrete, pictorial and abstract representations to develop all pupils’ relational understanding of mathematics
· To ensure all pupils are confident using mathematical vocabulary when reasoning about mathematics
· To promote a growth mind set in all pupils, particularly when Problem Solving

Maths Related Websites
Listed below are some helpful Maths websites:
Oxford Owl information about Maths in a primary school with additional help and information.
Tablet-friendly site with many games on all aspects of Maths. Click Resources then select a game.
This site has an extensive collection of on-line maths games.
They are regularly updated so keep checking this space.
A collection of resources for teaching analogue and digital time.
Several games to help children learn about the value of the different coins we use.
A fun site with links to lots of other interactive games to help with the learning of tables.
Maths games for older primary children.